Famous People In Sweden

As all countries, Sweden have a lot of famous people. The following people i tell about is taken from different areas so you don’t get many people with the same kind of work. The only thing they all have in common are that they all are world famous. Enjoy the information about the three different characters.

Alfred Nobel lived between 1833 to 1896 and was a Swedish engineer, chemist and innovator. He is also the creator of Dynamite and the founder of the Nobel prize that was named after him. Even though his skill and science came to use in war, he was a person who wanted and strove after peace. When hes dynamite where used in war he said “When people have come to a understanding that the dynamite will destroy armies, there will be a golden peace”. What he meant was that when the people see the destructive power of the powder in the dynamite countries will not use it against each other.

This next person is also a world famous character  and is especially known by christian, This person is Saint Bridget. She spend her early years studying when she got a vision and met god. From that day she became a christian and started helping and healing people in Sweden. She spent almost all her life helping others for the sake of god which got her declared as a saint. She died 1373 but was not declared as a saint until the pope at 1999 made her one.

Astrid Lindgren is a famous Swedish writer who lived 1907-2002. She was writing children books and she became famous for especially three of them, “Pippi Longstocking”, Karlsson-on-the-roof” and “Six bullerby children”. She gained many prizes for her writings but the greatest one was in 1967 when she was awarded the literary prize. When Astrid died Sweden created the Astrid Lindgren memorial award. That award is the biggest monetary award for children and youth literature, a amount of five million SEK.


The images are taken from “http://99ord.se/wp-content/uploads/Manniskor/AlfredNobel2.jpg” & “http://www.astridlindgrensallskapet.se/upload/images/astrid.gif”

( Some of this fact is taken from “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Swedish_people” )

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